Thursday, December 11, 2014

"Wealthiest" Country in the World

Personally, I think that wealthiest country is not always the richest country. Country that makes tons of money does not mean the citizens living happily. I believe that to become a wealthiest countries need to have a best living condition.

Life Expectancy
One of the quality that a countries need to have in order to be the wealthiest is the country needs to have higher life expectancy. Because higher life expectancy represent a country has good medical system which people aren't dying of sickness at a young age. We can see that Japan has the highest life expectancy, and comparing to some "money making" countries, it is much higher.

Another quality that countries need to have is high mean years of schooling, in the data organiser we can see, expected years of schooling and the mean years of schooling. The closer these two numbers matches means a better education a country has. Higher education leads to better job option and companies are likely to hire and pay higher wages to higher educated workers.

Food Intake
Nutrition is one of key factor, human depends on food and get energy from it. Food also keeps human alive. From the pictures we can see that the countries that is fed well is colour grey. We see the hungriest country such as African countries is in an alarming rate.

From these resources, we see that although countries like
US has high GNI but they do not have the best life expectancy. We can see that Japan has high life expectancy and good education. There starvation rate is in a safe colour. According the the World Life Expectancy Map, the reddish colour which has higher life expectancy are located on Japan Australia, and USA is coloured in orange which is colour in orange. Although Japan does not have the highest ecological footprint, but Japan is working on to lower the rate.
I think that Japan is wealthiest country in the World.
Global Hunger Index 2014
World Life Expectancy Map
Happiest Country Map

World Ecological Footprint

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