Monday, September 8, 2014

Articles Review

           After reading two author's article, I have to say that both made important points and truth that I have never heard of, and it shock me how truthfully these two arguments' ideas brought to me. Tom Engelhardt's "Whatever Happened to Imperialism?" mention that what is imperialism and the outcomes of it. Imperialism is about a country using it's power on other country or gaining power by diplomacy or military onto other countries. Now days, economic has become the source of a power. In Sean Starrs's "America Didn't Decline. It Went Global", talks about how countries gain power by increase their economic. One example that I like is that when Japanese GDP was rising, they gain what is call the economic power. Many exports that benefit their own which more firms in Japan and China also has strong economic power, and it is got plenty of firms within the country, but most of them were not important ones, so does country who has strong economic has strong power? Yes, I do agree that now days if a country has strong economic power, which will be a important to the rest of the country. High income gives customers to buy in which exports on other countries. It is going to brought up economic for other countries.
          So Will the international system in the 21st Century be unipolar or multipolar? I guess in the future, it will be multipolar because some countries' economic are in a rising rate, but in that case if there are more rich people, the competition between thus will be a task, which we will face collective goods problem. Who is going to sacrifice to help others? In unipolar, the country itself will have to take big responsibility which may also harm itself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ken!

    Thanks for reading my article. But I say that the experience of Japan and China are different, because Japan arose in the era before globalization really took off, whereas China is rising in the era of globalization, when corporations (and especially Western and American corporations) produce around the world. This is a very different kind of development, and is one big reason why Japan is so rich and most people in China are still so poor.
